What is an expensive person?

Ultimately, an expensive person is someone who knows their worth. Expensive people are value-driven. Expensive people offer quality, whatever they do. They deliver great results and live their lives to a higher standard. Expensive people do the right thing.

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How do you say someone is expensive?

synonyms for expensive
  1. costly.
  2. extravagant.
  3. fancy.
  4. high.
  5. lavish.
  6. overpriced.
  7. pricey.
  8. upscale.

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What is an expensive taste person?

If someone tells you, "I have expensive taste," it means that person likes things that cost a lot of money, whether they are purchased or just admired from the shop window. Definitions of expensive.

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What is the real meaning of expensive?

ex·​pen·​sive ik-ˈspen(t)-siv. : involving high cost or sacrifice. an expensive hobby. : commanding a high price and especially one that is not based on intrinsic worth or is beyond a prospective buyer's means. : characterized by high prices.

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What does expensive mean in slang?

Bougie / Boujee. Someone with expensive, lavish taste.

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A Day In The Life Of The Richest Kids In The World

37 related questions found

What is an example of expensive?

costing a lot of money: Rolls Royces are very expensive. Big houses are expensive to maintain. She has expensive tastes (= she likes things that cost a lot of money).

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How do you describe too expensive?

We use 'exorbitant' to talk about an amount of money that is much higher than it should be. Some dentists charge exorbitant fees. The company charges exorbitant prices for everything.

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How do you know if you have expensive taste?

If you have expensive taste, you are one of those individuals that appreciate the finer things in life. You may have a penchant for items that are produced by high-end companies. You don't mind paying more, perhaps even a whole lot more, for things of quality that make your life better or easier in some way.

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What is a tasteless person?

lacking in politeness, seemliness, tact, etc.; unmannerly; insensitive: a tasteless remark. lacking the physical sense of taste.

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How do you respond to you're expensive?

"You're too expensive!" "I can't possibly afford that right now." "It's much more than I expected."
3. Focus on the return on investment (ROI)
  1. "You reached out to me because you need help with [XYZ]. ...
  2. "What would it mean to you if I can help you solve the [XYZ] problem immediately?"

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How do you respond when someone says it's too expensive?

10 Effective Responses to “It's too Expensive”
  1. Ask for context. ...
  2. Reiterate value. ...
  3. Tell a story. ...
  4. Find out why the prospect thinks it's too expensive. ...
  5. Ask what it would cost the prospect to do nothing. ...
  6. Temporarily set the price aside. ...
  7. Ask what a fair price would be. ...
  8. Compare price to ROI.

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What is the negative form of expensive?


cheap, low-priced.

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What does it mean to be tacky?

: not having or exhibiting good taste: such as. : marked by cheap showiness : gaudy. a tacky publicity stunt. a tacky outfit. : marked by lack of style : dowdy.

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What does cheap and nasty mean?

costing little and of very bad quality: They sold cheap and nasty watches at hugely inflated prices. I never buy clothes from there because they use such cheap and nasty fabrics.

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What's the meaning of trashy?

: being, resembling, or containing trash : of inferior quality.

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How do you know if you have a taste disorder?

What are the symptoms of smell and taste disorders? Symptoms can range from the not being able to smell or taste at all to the reduced ability to smell or taste specific things that are sweet, sour, bitter or salty. In some cases, normally pleasant tastes or smells may become unpleasant.

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How do you check your taste test?

Taste Strips

[23] They are paper strips which are impregnated with one of the four flavors "sweet", "sour", "salty" or "bitter" in four different concentrations. The Taste Strips are placed on the tongue in a predetermined order. Then, the patients are requested to say which taste they perceive.

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How do I identify my taste?

Humans can detect sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and savory tastes. This allows us to determine if foods are safe or harmful to eat. Each taste is caused by chemical substances that stimulate receptors on our taste buds. Your sense of taste lets you enjoy different foods and cuisines.

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What are the three forms of expensive?

  • costly.
  • overpriced.
  • pricey.
  • dear.

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What is the opposite of expensive?

Cheap- It refers to something that is inexpensive or low-priced. It is the opposite in meaning too expensive.

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What is the Expensivest thing?

Research on dozens of sites to find the priciest real estate, artwork, yachts and jewels pinpoints the world's most expensive item right now: the History Supreme Yacht, measuring 100-feet long and costing $4.5 billion.

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What is the opposite of the word tacky?

We have listed all the opposite words for tacky alphabetically. classy. chic. dashing. elegant.

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Is Tacky a insult?

The Oxford English Dictionary finds it was spelled tackie in 1860 and suggested that the meaning of a “broken-down or worthless horse” was unkindly extended to the poor white class of the Southern States, sometimes known, even more unkindly, as “white trash.” Thereafter, "tacky" became a popular insult among the well- ...

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What is the difference between sticky and tacky?

What's the difference between "sticky" and "tacky"? These two words have basically the same meaning (able or likely to stick), but "tacky" is weaker - it means "only slightly sticky". They are also used in different situations.

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What is a good sentence for expensive?

Use “expensive” in a sentence

I can't afford to buy an expensive car. This book is too expensive. She gave him an expensive watch. Of these two options, the former is less expensive, while the latter is less risky.

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