Can bearded dragons eat peas?

Bearded dragons can eat both canned and frozen peas, but it's important to check the ingredients first to ensure there is no salt or added preservatives that could make your bearded dragon sick. Frozen peas are often a better choice than canned since it's easier to find bags of frozen peas without added ingredients.

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Can Beardies eat peas and carrots?

Vegetables that dragons enjoy are peas and green beans, broccoli, okra, summer squash and zucchini squash, sweet potato, grated carrots and frozen mixed vegetables. Do not feed canned vegetables to a bearded dragon because the preservatives may cause illness over time.

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Can bearded dragons have peas or green beans?

So if you're looking for the short answer: Yes! Bearded dragons can eat green beans! Maybe you're looking for a longer explanation, such as how often they can eat green beans, what they offer your dragon, and if canned or frozen beans are okay. As far as nutrients go, green beans hit a home run.

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Can bearded dragons eat peas carrots and corn?

The quick answer is yes, they can...but they really don't need to. Corn is not exactly harmful in limited amounts, so some Dragon Keepers opt to feed their bearded dragon corn once a month or less often.

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What vegetables can bearded dragons not eat?

Avoid vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and romaine as too much can be harmful, or they offer limited nutritional value. Bearded dragons will also eat fruits like apples, strawberries, watermelon, and peaches. Aside from delicious fruits and vegetables, dragons will eat just about any insect that moves.

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bearded dragon eating his peas

27 related questions found

What is toxic to bearded dragons?


Fireflies are extremely toxic to bearded dragons and other reptiles. You may think catching a few fireflies to feed your bearded dragon might be an easy, inexpensive treat, but be warned fireflies can kill your beardie. Avoid feeding a bearded dragon fireflies at all costs.

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What is a bearded dragons favorite food?

Bearded dragons love eating bugs—live bugs. So if you enjoy watching a good chase, feeding time will be fun. Pet dragons are typically fed roaches, crickets, and worms.

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What are bearded dragons favorite vegetables?

There are numerous plants, fruits and vegetables that are safe and healthy for bearded dragons to eat, but some favorites include squash, collard greens, bell peppers, mustard greens and seedless watermelon. Of course, it's best to mix up your bearded dragon's diet every once in a while.

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What is the best vegetable for bearded dragons?

Best Greens Bearded Dragons Can Eat: Daily Staples
  • Cactus pad, or prickly pear (2.3 to 1). This desert delicacy is high in calcium and rich in antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamin C. ...
  • Collard greens (14.5 to 1). ...
  • Dandelion leaves (2.8 to 1). ...
  • Endive or escarole (1.9 to 1). ...
  • Mustard greens (2.4 to 1). ...
  • Turnip greens (4.5 to 1).

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Can a bearded dragon eat tomatoes?

So you may be wondering if you can share this veggie-like fruit with your reptile friend. Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? As is the case for many fruits, the answer is qualified. Yes, bearded dragons can safely eat tomatoes...but only a small amount served once a month.

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How do you prepare peas for bearded dragons?

Dragons can eat peas whole. Wash them thoroughly if they are fresh, drain them if the are canned, and thaw them if they are frozen (but don't heat them to avoid burning your dragon's mouth). Snap peas or snow peas. Dragons can eat pea pods if they are sliced or chopped to prevent choking.

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Can bearded dragons eat eggs?

The answer is simple: Bearded dragons can safely eat up to half an egg every other week or so. This is primarily because eggs are rich in protein, which your beardie should already be getting from feeder insects. There are some great perks to adding a little egg to your beardie's salad every once in a while: Protein.

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Can bearded dragons have broccoli?

Bearded dragons can safely consume a little bit of broccoli once a month or so. In the appropriate amount, broccoli offers numerous health benefits to humans and bearded dragons alike: Vitamins A and C, which strengthen the immune system, vision, reproduction, and growth.

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Can bearded dragons eat cheese?

Because they are lactose intolerant, bearded dragons cannot digest cheese. Cheese is high in fat and cholesterol, which can cause digestive problems like bloating in bearded dragons, and it can even lead to death from a fatal digestive condition.

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Is cucumber good for bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons can have cucumbers every other week or so.

But there are several nutritional benefits from the right amount of cucumber: 96% water, making it a great source of hydration especially if your bearded dragon is dehydrated. Fiber, which prevents constipation.

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Can bearded dragons eat potatoes?

Bearded dragons can eat potatoes, but only rarely.

While it's technically safe to give your dragon a bit of potato once a month or so, it's not necessary to their wellbeing and there are several nutritional issues you should be aware of before you decide whether to let your bearded dragon eat potatoes.

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What are bearded dragons favorite fruit?

Best fruit for bearded dragons
  • Grapes (not green ones)
  • Apples.
  • Berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries)
  • Tomatoes (sometimes)

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What is the healthiest food for bearded dragons?

The correct diet for a bearded dragon should contain protein, greens, vegetables and fruits. Feeding a balanced diet is vital for their health. Feed a split of 25% insects and vertebrates and 75% greens, vegetables, and fruits: Dubia roaches, earthworms, crickets and superworms.

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Can I feed my bearded dragon vegetables everyday?

75-80% of an adult dragon's diet should be vegetables. If you're feeding a juvenile, a daily salad will suffice. Since bearded dragons are omnivores like humans, they need a variety.

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How often should I feed my bearded dragon vegetables?

Adult bearded dragons, or those older than 18 months, will need to be fed just once a day every day. Now, if you miss a day here and there it will by no means be the end of the world. But, you really should strive to feed your bearded dragon once daily.

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How long can a bearded dragon go without eating?

How Long Can A Bearded Dragon Go Without Food? As desert dwelling reptiles, bearded dragons can go weeks without food, sometimes a few months. This allows them to survive in their native habitat when food sources are scarce.

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What should a bearded dragon eat in a day?

Bearded Dragons should be fed three times per day and given as many insects as they will consume in 10 to 15 mins. After the feeding time is done it is best to remove as many remaining insects as possible. A typical juvenile can eat 20 to 50 insects each day.

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Do you feed a bearded dragon everyday?

How often should I feed my bearded dragon? Most young bearded dragons should eat once or twice daily, while older lizards may only eat every 24-72 hours, depending upon each pet's individual appetite.

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What keeps a bearded dragon happy?

To provide the best bearded dragon care, ensuring they get a varied diet of the right foods and water is imperative to their health and happiness. These reptiles are omnivores, meaning they're content with a diet of insects and vegetables.

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What do bearded dragons enjoy?

Your dragon may enjoy riding on a little car, a toy horse, or even a little skateboard. A remote control car can be a lot of fun for them if it doesn't stress them out! Rubber duck. Bath toys are a lot of fun for bearded dragons, both in and out of the water.

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