Why does my boyfriend smell like fish?

Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) is an uncommon condition that causes an unpleasant, fishy smell. It's also called "fish odour syndrome". Sometimes it's caused by faulty genes that a person inherits from their parents, but this isn't always the case. There's currently no cure, but there are things that can help.

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Why does my boyfriends private area smell?

The reason your penis has a funky smell could be due to sweat, lack of ventilation, poor hygiene, STI, or smegma buildup. It's important to practice good hygiene and use soap to get rid of any bacteria that could cause an odor.

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How do guys get rid of smell in their private area?

The best way to keep your private parts smelling OK is to take regular showers or baths, wash the outside of your vulva or penis with warm water and a little soap, and wear clean, dry underwear. Other than that, there's no need to use douches or special washes.

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Can guys have a fishy smell?

Symptoms of trichomonas

a yellow or green discharge from the vagina or penis, which can sometimes have an unpleasant, 'fishy' smell. genital itching and soreness which can lead to infections of the urethra (the passage that carries pee from the bladder) and infection of the prostate gland.

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How do I make my boyfriend less stinky?

14 Ways For Your Man to Smell Great All the Time
  1. Tell him to shower every single day with an antibacterial wash. ...
  2. Tell him to wear an antiperspirant deodorant. ...
  3. Sprinkle baby powder over — and alongside — his package.
  4. Spray his bare torso with fragrance.

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Smelling Like FISH To See How My Boyfriend Reacts.. *LOYALTY TEST*

31 related questions found

What is a normal private part smell?

Tangy, fermented, or sour.

These are perfectly healthy adjectives to describe the vaginal odor created by your normal bacterial flora. Good bacteria help keep your vagina healthy by producing lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and other substances to keep harmful bacteria at bay.

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How do I know if my boyfriend has body odor?

Keep these steps in mind to tell someone they're struggling with odor:
  1. Talk one-on-one. Find a time to talk to the person alone. ...
  2. Get to the point. Once you've set the stage, be direct and tell them they're struggling with body odor. ...
  3. Share that you care. ...
  4. Offer to help.

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How can I get rid of fishy odor?

According to Odors Away, baking something sweet, like cookies or the perfect dessert to complement your fish entree, can replace the fishy smell with something new—and much more pleasant.

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Does sperm smell after a while?

Everyone's semen smells different. Some people may even notice a change in smell over time or with changes in diet, exercise, rest, and other lifestyle factors.

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How do I know if my sperm is good?

Sperm health depends on various factors, including quantity, movement and structure: Quantity. Fertility is most likely if the semen discharged in a single ejaculation (ejaculate) contains at least 15 million sperm per milliliter.

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What makes a sperm strong?

Dietary changes that promote a higher sperm count include reducing the intake of trans fatty acids and increasing polyunsaturated fatty acid and vitamin D intake. Maintaining a healthful, balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables is the best way to boost sperm count through the diet.

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How can I keep my private parts smelling fresh?

Even the smallest change can throw off a person's PH. So, the healthiest way to clean the vulva (which is the external genital area around the vaginal opening) is gently—this skin is soft and sensitive y'all! — with water and unscented soap; or even just plain water. The vagina (the internal part) is self-cleaning.

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How do you get good smell in private parts?

How to make your vagina smell and taste good
  1. Practice good hygiene. Wash the outside (your vulva) with gentle soap and water. ...
  2. Wipe from front to back to avoid UTIs.
  3. Keep hydrated to help stave off infections.
  4. Pee after sex. ...
  5. Wash sex toys and store them in a clean, dry place to avoid the wrong bacteria creeping in.

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How do you know if something is wrong down there?

What are signs or symptoms of vaginal problems?
  1. A change in the color, odor or amount of vaginal discharge.
  2. Vaginal redness or itching.
  3. Vaginal bleeding between periods, after sex or after menopause.
  4. A mass or bulge in the vagina.
  5. Pain during intercourse.

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How many times should a man release sperm in a week?

Some studies suggest that moderate ejaculation (2–4 times per week) is associated with a lower prostate cancer risk. However, ejaculating more often doesn't mean your cancer risk drops even more.

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Which food increase sperm count?

A study of 250 men who had sperm analyzed at a fertility clinic showed that men who ate higher amounts of fruits and veggies, particularly green leafy vegetables and beans (legumes), had higher sperm concentrations and better sperm motility compared to men who ate less of these foods.

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How many drops of sperm is needed to get pregnant?

How many sperm do you need to get pregnant? It takes just one sperm to fertilize a woman's egg. Keep in mind, though, for each sperm that reaches the egg, there are millions that don't. On average, each time men ejaculate they release nearly 100 million sperm.

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How can I check my sperm at home?

Some at-home tests also check how well sperm can move. For a home sperm test, you collect a semen sample by ejaculating into a small cup. A home sperm test may be appealing because you can do it in the privacy of your own home. Results are often ready within a few minutes.

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How do I know if my boyfriend has weak sperm?

Low sperm count symptoms might include: Problems with sexual function — for example, low sex drive or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction) Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area. Decreased facial or body hair or other signs of a chromosome or hormone abnormality.

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Does sperm smell inside a woman?

Sometimes, semen interacts with vaginal fluid, contributing to vaginal odor. Some lubricants can also affect the pH of the vagina, which can affect the scent. People may wish to take to following steps after vaginal intercourse to reduce any odor: Use a condom to prevent contact between semen and vaginal fluids.

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When sperm has a strong smell?

Very strong smell: Bacteria and other germs can change the way semen smells. If semen has a foul and overpowering odor or gets worse with time, it may be a sign of an infection or sexually transmitted disease. Sweet smell: Normal semen can smell slightly sweet because of the fructose it contains.

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