What personality type is closest to INFJ?

INFP is the type most commonly mistaken for INFJ, and they use Ne as their co-pilot process. If Signs 1 and 5 are both sound true for you there's a very good chance you're an INFP.

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Which personality type can understand INFJ?

As an INFJ, the other MBTI types I've found to understand me best are INTP, INTJ, and ENTP. First of all, I think NTPs can be really good at typing people. Even if they aren't interested in any formal personality theories, they probably have their own personal typing system.

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What MBTI is opposite of INFJ?

Again, opposite to the INFJ is the INFP, who will appear less organized and less controlled than the INFJ to others. Still, since their primary function is a Judging function, Introverted Feeling, there's a lot of internal organization others don't see outside the INFP's head.

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What can an INFJ be mistaken for?

Some introverted types are more apt to be mistaken for extraverts than others. In our experience, the INFJ is the type most commonly misperceived as extraverted, although this can occur with the INTJ as well. There are a number of personality factors commonly associated with extraversion.

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Who is an INFJ most compatible with?

In my experience as an INFJ, extroverted types that I get along well with include the following:
  • ENFP (“The Inspirer”)
  • ENFJ (“The Giver”)
  • INTJ (“The Scientist”)
  • INFP (“The Idealist”)
  • INTP (“The Logician”)

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7 Signs You're A True INFJ (Rarest Personality Type)

29 related questions found

Who is INFJ most likely to marry?

INFJs are most likely to marry someone who shares their values and vision for the future, regardless of their personality type. INFJs are more likely to marry someone who values emotional depth and intimacy and is dedicated to personal growth and development.

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How rare are INFJ females?

The rarest personality type for women

Just 1% of women type as INTJ and ENTJ respectively. Among women, INFJ is only the third rarest personality type with approximately 2% of women categorized as INFJ. Both INTJ women and ENTJ women are extremely rare in the general population.

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Are INFJ dominant or submissive?

At their best, INFJs make modest, reliable teammates, and allow others to take the lead. INFJs may undervalue their own needs, ideas, and contributions, acting overly shy and not taking credit when due. At their worst, INFJs can be excessively submissive, ineffectual, and too dependent on direction from others.

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What makes INFJ misunderstood?

As highly connected and empathetic individuals, they crave time with others. For obvious reasons, this leads to a lot of misunderstandings between INFJs and the people who love them. It's important for loved ones to respect an INFJ's need for alone time, especially after long social interactions.

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Who is the biggest enemy of INFJ?

INFJs' only true enemy is themselves, or more specifically, their inner critic. However, some personality types may be difficult for INFJs to get along with including: ESTJs: They are often seen as being too blunt, dominant, and insensitive for INFJs.

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Which MBTI types are most attracted to INFJ?

What Personality Type is the Best Love Match for an INFJ this Valentine's Day?
  • ENFJ. Loyal and dedicated, ENFJs share many of the same values as INFJs. ...
  • INTP. Many consider the ENTP and INFJ to be a match made in heaven, but I believe INTPs and INFJs can also make a great team. ...
  • ENFP. ...
  • INTJ. ...
  • The bottom line.

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Is INFJ close to INTP?

What makes an INTP and INFJ incompatible? Although the INTP and INFJ have plenty of similarities, there is no perfect relationship, and they have their struggles. Some of these include the battle of opposite preferences, such as Thinking versus Feeling or Perceiving versus Judging, as well as their life goals.

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Why no one understands INFJ?

INFJs often feel misunderstood. Perhaps it's because they're quiet and reserved and tend to share their deepest thoughts and feelings only with select people. Or maybe it's because they are so rare—personality test research shows they make up less than 1% of the population.

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Who is INFJ least compatible with?

The best matches for INFJs include intuitive types such as INTJ, INFP, and ENFJ. INFJs are the least compatible with sensors, especially ESTJs, ESTPs, and ESFPs. INFJ-INFJ relationships can be emotionally fulfilling yet difficult if both INFJs aren't willing to openly discuss relationship problems.

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What is the nickname for INFJ?

The INFJ personality type is also called the "Counselor" because of their tendency to be idealistic, compassionate, and sensitive. Other nicknames for the INFJ include: The Insightful Visionary (MBTI) The Advocate (16Personalities)

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What causes INFJ anxiety?

Too many details or other sensory stimuli can provoke a stress reaction in INFJs, especially when you feel uncertain about a situation. Unexpected environments, events or interruptions unsettle you greatly since you are forced to focus on immediate, sensory details rather than relying on your intuition.

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Do INFJs tend to be depressed?

In addition to being highly sensitive (sometimes to an extreme degree), many INFJs also struggle with high amounts of anxiety and depression. A lot of INFJs report that they experience a low-key depression running in the background of their lives, even when it appears that everything is going well on the surface.

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How do you know if an INFJ is depressed?

When they're depressed or uninspired, they feel fatigued and drained. INFJs without a vision for the future feel listless and apathetic, as if they're lost in a fog and unable to find a light to guide them home.

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What is an INFJ biggest turn on?

Kindness. As sensitive personalities, INFJs feel attracted to people who show kindness towards others.

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What is the darkest side of INFJ?

INFJs are no exception to this rule, and when they become overly stressed they may display a dark side that includes angry outbursts, obsessive worrying, perfectionism, or even depression. When INFJs first encounter stress, they start to behave very true-to-type.

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Do people find INFJ intimidating?

They are also quiet but fierce hardworking perfectionists who dream big and achieve their goals. Because they are often reserved, high-achieving individuals with high expectations of both themselves and others, INFJs can be intimidating to other personality types.

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What is it like dating an INFJ female?

INFJs care a lot about the world around them. As deep thinkers, they need a partner who is willing to dive into those depths with them. While INFJs still enjoy worldly things, they don't put all their worth into their worldly possessions. They don't want a partner who is overly obsessed with labels, money, and status.

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How to spot an INFJ woman?

Here are ten signs they might be.
  1. They often look lost in deep thought. ...
  2. They're tough to get to know. ...
  3. They love intellectual conversation. ...
  4. They have unflinching convictions. ...
  5. They're very good listeners. ...
  6. They can take forever to make a decision. ...
  7. They avoid confrontation at all costs. ...
  8. They tend to be perfectionists.

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Why everyone likes INFJ?

INFJs are unique not only because they are the rarest type, but because many people liken them to having a sixth sense, of sorts, because they often seem to leap intuitively to the correct answer, without having to know all of the facts beforehand.

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