What part of the head is most vulnerable?

According to James Kelly, MA, MD, FAAN, a neurologist and expert on treating concussions, the frontal lobe is most commonly injured because it is near rigid and rough bone. Other areas of the brain that are not as close to the skull are less susceptible to injury.

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What part of the head causes concussions?

A concussion occurs when your brain bounces or twists inside your skull or experiences rapid, whiplash-type back and forth movement that causes it to collide with the inside of your skull. This brain movement stretches and damages brain cells and leads to chemical changes in the brain.

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What happens if you hit the back of your head?

With a head injury, it's common to have a headache and nausea. You may be dizzy or disoriented right afterward. You also may have problems focusing or remembering. Other symptoms include ringing in your ears, neck pain, emotional or vision problems.

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What should I look for after hitting my head?

  • Headache or “pressure” in head.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Balance problems or dizziness, or double or blurry vision.
  • Bothered by light or noise.
  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy.
  • Confusion, or concentration or memory problems.
  • Just not “feeling right,” or “feeling down”.

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How long after hitting head is cautious?

For these reasons, it is important to monitor your condition, particularly in the 48 hours immediately following a head injury. Other symptoms to watch for during this period of monitoring include: Discharge of clear fluid or blood from the nose or ears. Signs of disorientation or memory loss.

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Cults: Who Is Most Vulnerable & What To Watch Out For.

23 related questions found

How long are you at risk after hitting your head?

In fact, the risk of developing the symptoms doesn't appear to be linked with the severity of the injury. In most people, symptoms appear within the first 7 to 10 days and go away within three months. But sometimes they can last for a year or more.

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What not to do after getting hit in the head?

Follow these precautions:
  1. DO NOT wash a head wound that is deep or bleeding a lot.
  2. DO NOT remove any object sticking out of a wound.
  3. DO NOT move the person unless absolutely necessary.
  4. DO NOT shake the person if they seem dazed.
  5. DO NOT remove a helmet if you suspect a serious head injury.

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Should I see a doctor if I hit the back of my head?

Emerman says patients who've suffered a head injury should visit the Emergency Department immediately if they: Lost consciousness or became confused/disoriented after they were injured. Suffered the injury at a high speed (car or bike accident, a steep fall, etc.) Are vomiting or feel nauseated.

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How do you know if your brain is bleeding after hitting your head?

Confusion. Unequal pupil size. Slurred speech. Loss of movement (paralysis) on the opposite side of the body from the head injury.

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How do I check myself for a concussion?

The most common symptoms of concussion include:
  1. Headache. This is the most common symptom.
  2. Nausea or vomiting.
  3. Confusion.
  4. Temporary loss of consciousness.
  5. Balance problems/dizziness/lightheadedness.
  6. Double vision or blurry vision.
  7. Ringing in the ears.
  8. Sensitivity to light and noise.

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Can you physically feel a brain bleed?

In general, symptoms of brain bleeds can include: Sudden tingling, weakness, numbness, or paralysis of the face, arm or leg, particularly on one side of the body. Headache. (Sudden, severe “thunderclap” headache occurs with subarachnoid hemorrhage.)

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What does a minor brain bleed feel like?

If you have a subdural hematoma, blood is leaking out of a torn vessel into a space below the dura mater, a membrane between the brain and the skull. Symptoms include ongoing headache, confusion and drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, slurred speech and changes in vision.

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How do you know if you have damage from hitting your head?

Loss of consciousness. Severe headache that does not go away. Repeated nausea and vomiting. Loss of short-term memory, such as difficulty remembering the events that led right up to and through the traumatic event.

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How do you know if you should worry about hitting your head?

Signs of a brain injury after a head injury include:
  • unconsciousness – either brief (concussion) or for a longer period of time.
  • fits or seizures.
  • problems with the senses – such as hearing loss or double vision.
  • repeated vomiting.
  • blood or clear fluid coming from the ears or nose.
  • memory loss (amnesia)

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How do you know if a bump on the head is serious?

A bump on the head is serious if you have:
  1. Loss of consciousness (you blacked out)
  2. Extreme fatigue.
  3. Confusion.
  4. Seizures.
  5. Differences in speech, hearing, or vision.
  6. Weakness or numbness.
  7. Fluid draining from eyes, ears, or nose.
  8. Bruising around the eyes.

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Can lightly hitting your head cause brain damage?

The Impact of “Minor” Hits

While it's more obvious that experiencing a serious concussion while participating in sports can cause long-term brain damage, a new study in the online journal, PLOS, found that little hits along the way can cause problems, too.

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How do you rule out a brain bleed?

  1. CT scan. This imaging test can detect bleeding in the brain. ...
  2. MRI . This imaging test also can detect bleeding in the brain. ...
  3. Cerebral angiography. You provider inserts a long, thin tube (catheter) into an artery and threads it to your brain.

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Can a small brain bleed heal itself?

Many hemorrhages do not need treatment and go away on their own. If a patient is exhibiting symptoms or has just had a brain injury, a medical professional may order a computerized tomography (CT) scan or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to check for brain hemorrhages.

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How long can a slow brain bleed go undetected?

In very slow-growing subdural hematomas, there may be no noticeable symptoms for more than 2 weeks after the bleeding starts.

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Can you have bleeding in the brain and not know it?

Blood from the burst vessel exerts pressure on the brain, cutting off oxygen to cells and, ultimately, killing them. Blood also irritates brain tissues, creating a bruise or bump called a hematoma, which can also place pressure on brain tissue. Occasionally, you won't feel any initial symptoms.

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Can a bleed on the brain go undetected?

There may be no warning signs of a bleed on the brain. For example, it could happen after someone falls and hits their head. If there is a weakness in the blood vessel wall, it can bulge or swell, which is known as an aneurysm. Aneurysms can rupture suddenly without warning, and cause a bleed on the brain.

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What are 5 Immediate symptoms of a concussion?

You may have some symptoms of concussions immediately, and some can occur for days after the injury, such as: Concentration and memory complaints.
Physical signs and symptoms of a concussion may include:
  • Headache.
  • Ringing in the ears.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Fatigue or drowsiness.
  • Blurry vision.

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What does a concussion headache feel like?

Characteristics: Following a concussion, you can develop a headache that resembles a migraine headache. Pain tends to be in the front of the head area of your forehead or temple. It is commonly described as a 'pounding' or 'throbbing' pain. It is sometimes associated with nausea and sensitivity to light and noise.

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How do doctors tell if you have a mild concussion?

Your doctor may order imaging tests — such as MRI or CT scans — to make sure there's no bruising or bleeding in your brain. To confirm a concussion diagnosis, your doctor will use the data from your: Exam and interview. ImPACT or other cognitive tests.

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What happens if you ignore a mild concussion?

Concussion left untreated can lead to long-term complications. Potential complications of a concussion include chronic headaches, memory problems, vertigo, and post-concussion syndrome, which is headaches, dizziness, mood swings, and brain fog that can continue for months or years after a concussion.

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