When your kidneys can't get rid of sodium well, fluids build up in your body. That may lead to puffy hands, feet, ankles, legs, or a puffy face. You might notice swelling especially in your feet and ankles. And protein leaking out in your urine can show up as puffiness around your eyes.
Changes in urine color, transparency, and smell
A pinkish or reddish hue may indicate the presence of blood in the urine, while a greenish tone could be a sign of a bacterial infection. Cloudy non-transparent urine may be another sign of infection, but it may also suggest an abnormal level of salts in the liquid.
Urine Tests
One of the earliest signs of kidney disease is when protein leaks into your urine (called proteinuria). To check for protein in your urine, a doctor will order a urine test.
When kidneys are failing, the increased concentration and accumulation of substances in urine lead to a darker color which may be brown, red or purple. The color change is due to abnormal protein or sugar, high levels of red and white blood cells, and high numbers of tube-shaped particles called cellular casts.
Kidney damage, once it occurs, can't be reversed. Potential complications can affect almost any part of your body and can include: Fluid retention, which could lead to swelling in your arms and legs, high blood pressure, or fluid in your lungs (pulmonary edema)
The main test for kidney disease is a blood test. The test measures the levels of a waste product called creatinine in your blood. A doctor uses your blood test results, plus your age, size, gender and ethnic group to calculate how many millilitres of waste your kidneys should be able to filter in a minute.
Stage 1 of CKD
Stage 1 CKD means you have a normal eGFR of 90 or greater and mild damage to your kidneys. Your kidneys are still working well, so you may not have any symptoms. You may have other signs of kidney damage, such as protein in your urine.
Common areas for this type of itching include the head, arms, back, and abdomen. It also tends to be worse at night, which can disturb your sleep. The itching is lower in intensity just after dialysis as the blood urea levels will be lower. However, it increases in intensity two days after dialysis.
Common eye problems for people with kidney disease or who are on dialysis. Dry, red, and sore eyes that feel gritty. These symptoms may occur because of impaired blinking and tear formation, leading to dry eyes. Extra calcium and phosphate can also settle in the eyes and cause irritation.
Diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Your health care provider will look at your health history and may do tests to find out why you have kidney disease.
The life expectancy for a person receiving dialysis is around 5–10 years, though many live for 20–30 years. People who receive a donor kidney from a living donor tend to go 15–20 years before needing a new kidney. Donor kidneys from deceased donors tend to last 10–15 years before needing to be replaced.
Eating Processed Foods
Processed foods are significant sources of sodium and phosphorus. Many people who have kidney disease need to limit phosphorus in their diets. Some studies have shown that high phosphorus intake from processed foods in people without kidney disease may be harmful to their kidneys and bones.
Your hands or feet may swell. You will feel tired and weak because your body needs clean blood to function properly. Untreated uremia may lead to seizures or coma and will ultimately result in death. If your kidneys stop working completely, you will need to undergo dialysis or kidney transplant.
CKD doesn't happen overnight!” People with early kidney disease may not know anything is wrong. They can't feel the damage before any kidney function is lost. It happens slowly, and in stages.
8 Common Ways Kidney Disease Can Affect Your Skin
These rashes can present themselves as small, dome-shaped bumps and can be extremely itchy. The bumps can also form together, creating rough, raised patches on your skin. Dry skin—may occur causing your skin to feel extremely tight. Your skin may start to crack.
Nail changes.
People who have advanced kidney disease can develop: A white color on the upper part of one or more nails and a normal to reddish brown color below, as shown here (half-and-half nails) Pale nails. White bands running across one or more nails (Muehrcke's nails)
Rash symptoms
According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), people with chronic kidney disease may have: small, dome-shaped, very itchy bumps. small bumps that have joined to form raised rough patches. blisters on the hands, face, and feet that may crust over.
Clear pee is most often a result of drinking a lot of water. But, in some cases, it can be a sign of an underlying health condition. In addition to overhydration, the most common causes of clear urine include kidney issues, diabetes, diabetes insipidus, medications, and pregnancy.
Transparent: While clear urine isn't exactly a bad thing, it can be a sign that you've been drinking too much water. Getting your daily intake of H2O is a good thing, but not when you're flushing all the electrolytes out of your body. Dark Yellow: This is a normal color, but may mean you need to sip on some water.