Is it cheating if you have a platonic crush?

If there's platonic love between two friends, it doesn't mean that either person is cheating on their partner if they have one. The modern interpretation of platonic love is that it has nothing to do with your sex life or sexual interest and isn't a replacement for a romantic relationship.

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Is it cheating if you have a platonic relationship?

Important: If you're in a monogamous romantic relationship, a platonic relationship is generally not considered cheating. Exceptions to this are platonic relationships with dynamics that cross a monogamous partner's boundaries whether that's sexual, emotional, or financial intimacy.

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Can you have a platonic crush while in a relationship?

Even though platonic crushes aren't romantic or sexual, there is still a chance that you could become jealous of the other people in your crush's life. This mostly happens when someone is already in a romantic relationship or dating.

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What does it mean to have a platonic crush?

Platonic crushes are also known as “squishes.” It happens when you want to be in a close relationship or friendship with someone, but there is no sexual attraction. They are particularly prevalent among asexuals and demisexuals. However, anyone can have a platonic crush.

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Can platonic friends fall in love?

Yes, platonic friends can fall in love. This isn't something that happens all the time, but if you're both on the same page, then a relationship that begins from a solid base of friendship can be a really beautiful and long-lasting thing.

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The Truth About Platonic Intimacy

37 related questions found

How do you confess a platonic crush?

How to Tell a Friend You Love Them Platonically
  1. 1 Add a casual nickname.
  2. 2 Abbreviate “I love you.”
  3. 3 Add the word "friend" into the conversation.
  4. 4 Just say “I love you.”
  5. 5 Send a picture via text.
  6. 6 Let them know they're like family to you.
  7. 7 Describe the impact they've had on your life.
  8. 8 Explain why you admire them.

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Does platonic love involve kissing?

Just because the practice of platonic kissing isn't familiar to you doesn't mean it's not common elsewhere. "Platonic lip kissing is found in cultures around the world, between friends, family, and sometimes even strangers as a means of greeting," says Allison Moon, author of "Girl Sex 101."

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Can platonic lovers marry?

Marriage is a voluntary, legal union of a couple as spouses. Whether those spouses are sexual or not isn't designated by the law, and two people who decide to legally wed platonically are legally and socially recognized as a married couple, and granted the same rights as any other legally married couple.

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Can platonic soulmates fall in love?

Although, from time to time, feelings of attraction may occur, a true platonic soulmate remains linked in a way that goes beyond romantic relationships. It is an effortless connection where you feel attracted to each other, but it never turns toward romance.

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How do you know if someone has a platonic crush on you?

Here are a few subtle signs that your crush considers you a platonic buddy rather than the love of their life.
  1. Your crush never makes an effort to be physically close to you. ...
  2. They never dress up around you. ...
  3. You're always the one planning meet-ups. ...
  4. They share absolutely everything with you.

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Can platonic people date?

By definition, a platonic relationship means no sexual or romantic intimacy between the people involved. However, if you develop feelings for your platonic friend and they reciprocate, who's to say you are not allowed to date.

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Am I cheating if I like someone else?

Sexual contact with your crush would be considered cheating. But it's also possible to have emotional affairs. If you find that you start to replace your partner with your crush for emotional connections, then it might be considered infidelity.

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Is it cheating if you are attracted to someone?

The good news: Her crush has absolutely nothing to do with you or your relationship, says Mullinax. Attraction to other people is practically inevitable, regardless of whether your marriage is struggling or rock-solid. It doesn't mean she's going to cheat, either.

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What counts as cheating?

Infidelity, or cheating, is the act of being unfaithful to a spouse or other partner. It typically means engaging in sexual or romantic relations with a person other than one's significant other, breaking a commitment or promise in the act.

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Can platonic love turn into real love?

It is possible for a platonic relationship to evolve into a romantic one, as emotional intimacy and shared experiences can spark romantic feelings over time. Any transformation should be approached with open communication, mutual consent, and a clear understanding of each individual's desires and boundaries.

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What is platonic intimacy?

Platonic intimacy may include touching, although not sexual. Embracing, hugging, and giving kisses on the cheek are a few examples. Some people may feel that physical contact improves the level of platonic intimacy in a relationship since it can create feelings of trust, safety, compassion, or all three.

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What is allowed in platonic relationship?

Platonic Boundaries

Don't engage in physical contact beyond casual intimacy (i.e., avoid things like handholding, kissing, or "friends-with-benefits" situations) Don't ditch your partner to spend time with your platonic friend. Don't hide your platonic relationship from your partner. Give each other plenty of space.

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Is platonic love deeper than romantic love?

Platonic love describes a deep closeness experienced between people whose relationship is not based on sexuality and romance. Platonic relationships add pleasure, camaraderie, support, and novelty to our lives, and they can be just as profoundly meaningful to our lives as our romantic relationships.

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Is platonic love stronger than romantic love?

Platonic relationships tend to last longer than romantic ones because they are built on friendship rather than passion and emotion. This type of bond tends to be more stable and dependable because it is based on shared values, experiences, and interests rather than attraction or physical chemistry.

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When a girl says platonic?

A platonic relationship is one with no romantic or sexual features, but it means more than “just friends.” According to the ancient philosopher Plato, for whom the concept is named, this bond is a type of love experienced when we identify positive qualities we feel complete us, within another person.

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How do you say I love you without saying it?

Nine Ways To Say I Love You (Without Saying I Love You)
  1. I adore you.
  2. You complete me.
  3. You fill my heart with love.
  4. You're everything to me.
  5. I'm crazy about you.

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Do platonic friends sleep together?

The great platonic debate

Don't be fooled by the word “platonic” – it just means nothing physical happened, including kissing and sex. At the end of the day, if you got into bed with someone you're attracted to, chances are it still means something, even if you did nothing but sleep side by side.

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Does platonic love last forever?

Romantic love can come and go over the years, depending on the person. Platonic love can always be there, like the childhood bestie you've known your entire life. Even if you grow apart and go your separate ways, growing up together created an irreplaceable bond.

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