How fat is too fat for a tummy tuck?

If your body mass index (BMI) is more than 30, it will most likely be in your best interest to lose some weight before starting the tummy tuck process. Patients who are obese may have health issues that could disqualify them for elective surgery.

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What BMI is too high for tummy tuck?

That noted that a good surgery candidate will have a BMI of 30 or below. Some surgeons will operate on patients as high as BMI 35-39 but most will NOT operate on a patient of BMI 40 or above. If you are overweight or in the obesity BMI range of 30 or above, you're less likely to be a suitable candidate for surgery.

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What is the ideal weight for tummy tuck?

They have different shapes and sizes with different reasons for wanting the procedure. You must be close to your desired weight for six to twelve months before undergoing a tummy tuck. Most surgeons will recommend patients should be between 10-15 pounds from their goal weight.

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Can you get a tummy tuck with a big belly?

Larger patients can safely have a tummy tuck when done by a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience treating those who have experienced massive weight loss or are carrying substantial weight.

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What is considered a plus-size tummy tuck?

If you are over the 30-pound range of your ideal weight, you are considered to be “plus-size.” With a plus-size tummy tuck the quantity of fat being removed and the extent of the surgery being performed are typically more than what is performed in a traditional tummy tuck.

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FAT! What can we remove with Tummy Tuck?

16 related questions found

How many sizes do you go down with a tummy tuck?

Most women lose between 2 and 3 pants sizes after a tuck, but there are patients who lose even more. If you had a lot of loose skin before the procedure, for example, you could go down 4 more pants sizes.

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Can I get a tummy tuck with a BMI of 40?

If your BMI is over 40:

Unfortunately, you are not an ideal candidate for liposuction, tummy tuck, or gastric balloon. Your best option is to reduce your weight with diet and exercise, or with semaglutide weight-loss injections.

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Can fat be removed during a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck — also known as abdominoplasty — is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen. During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen.

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Who should not get a tummy tuck?

Troy Pittman, a board-certified Washington D.C.-based plastic surgeon, patients who have obesity, a lot of visceral fat (located near vital organs), underlying medical conditions or blood-clotting disorders should refrain from having tummy tucks.

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Can I get a mommy makeover if I'm overweight?

In general, mommy makeovers and other cosmetic surgeries are performed at BMIs of 30 or lower. Talk to Dr. Jean about your options if you have a BMI over 30. As for your overall body weight, you'll need to be close to your ideal weight, preferably within 10-20 pounds of your ideal weight.

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Is it better to lose weight before a tummy tuck?

It is important that you be close to your desired weight for six to twelve months before undergoing a tummy tuck. Most surgeons will recommend patients be between 10-15 pounds from their goal weight. This is important as gaining or losing additional weight can undo the contoured shape achieved through your surgery.

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Am I too heavy for surgery?

A BMI over 25 is termed as being overweight and over 30 is termed as being obese. There can be a higher risk of surgical and anaesthetic complications if you have a BMI over 30. If you lose even 5 to 10% of your weight, this could reduce some of the risks associated with anaesthesia.

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How many kg can you lose with a tummy tuck?

The amount of fat that can be removed is typically between four and 10 pounds – up to 4.5kg. However, it may be better to think of it in terms of the shape of the tummy as it is hard to visualise what a few kilograms of fat actually looks like, how much flatter will this make the tummy?

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How much weight did you lose after tummy tuck?

Some lose 10-15 pounds from their surgery. Those choosing a tummy tuck to regain their body shape due to pregnancies or aging lose fewer pounds. Some don't even notice any signs of weight loss, and others experience a nominal weight loss; usually five pounds or less.

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Can you have a tummy tuck if your BMI is over 30?

In order to get the best results from a tummy tuck procedure, you need to be your ideal weight and BMI. A BMI that is less than 30 is considered to be ideal for a tummy tuck procedure. Of course, you can still have the surgery even if you're overweight and still get good results.

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Can I get lipo if I'm obese?

Who are candidates for liposuction? Generally, people of normal weight who have localized areas of protruding fat achieve the most desired results, however, persons who are slightly overweight can also benefit from liposuction.

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Is tummy tuck worst than C-section?

Whether you're contemplating a Mommy Makeover package or just want to undergo a tummy tuck, you'll be relieved to know that any pain from this cosmetic procedure is far less than that experienced after a C-section.

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How long is bed rest after tummy tuck?

Bed rest is recommended for the first 2 days after your tummy tuck procedure. On day 3, activity is encouraged but should be limited.

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Is a tummy tuck similar to a C-section?

While a tummy tuck incision is similar to a C-section, the intra abdominal component of the operation is not there. This essentially means that a tummy tuck is less invasive procedure compared to the cesarean section.

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Is it harder to lose weight after tummy tuck?

With a full tuck, you will lose more weight than you would with a mini tuck because you probably have more excess skin and fat to be removed. Finally, the opportunity to lose the most weight after abdominoplasty is reserved for clients who choose an extended tuck.

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Is it easier to lose weight after a tummy tuck?

Whilst the removal of this can result in some loss of body mass, a tummy tuck is not a weight loss solution. In fact, removing excess skin can make it easier for patients to shed pounds and contour their bodies post-surgery.

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How much is 8 liters of fat?

The volume of fat that is generally regarded as huge is about 8 liters (two gallons).

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Do breasts look bigger after tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck surgery not only has a big effect on the look of the abdomen, but it can also affect the appearance of other bodily structures. It is not uncommon for patients to report that people believed their breasts looked bigger.

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Does your waist get smaller after tummy tuck?

A properly performed tummy tuck can reduce your waist size and help you feel confident about your curves again. Some patients may lose many inches off their waist, while others will see more subtle results. It all depends on how much tissue can be removed safely.

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Will my stomach stay flat after a tummy tuck?

Even in most normal weight and extremely fit women, the abdomen may not be completely flat following abdominoplasty. It is realistic for patients to expect improvement in the flatness of the stomach, but should not immediately assume that their abdomen will be entirely flat.

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