How do breast implants look at first?

Your First Week after Augmentation
They will feel very firm, and your nipples will likely appear very low and point downwards. You will see very little side or bottom rounding of the breasts, often looking square, with little outward projection and minimal bottom fullness. Have no fear! This is all normal.

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Is it normal for breast implants to look weird at first?

Changes in the size or shape of your new breasts after augmentation can also occur as swelling and tightness subside. You might notice that the appearance of your new implants changes several times before your final results settle in. This is normal and nothing to worry about.

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Do breast implants look far apart at first?

Displaced tissues and swelling are common in many breast augmentation surgeries. The swelling can even make your enhanced breasts appear to be unnaturally far apart for a short time post-surgery. Or, your breasts may appear tight and stiff. The swelling may also cause them to feel lumpy on top but flat on the sides.

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What do breast implants look like after 6 weeks?

Six weeks after your breast augmentation procedure, you will notice that your breasts look more natural, and your breasts will start to soften. Your breasts are still not fully recovered and perfect, but you will notice some improvement. Most of the swelling will be gone by now.

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Do implants look bigger after they drop?

Over time, the swelling resolves, the tissues loosen up, and the shape of the implant starts to exert itself on the overlying tissues. As a result, the implants settle into a lower, more aesthetically pleasing position on the chest. They appear softer and rounder, and they look larger and closer together.

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How breast enlargement surgery is carried out

44 related questions found

How many cc's is a full C cup?

But for the average sized women with normal measurements, the C cup implants are between 300-400 cc. The 300 and 325 cc volumes can be thought of as small C cups. The 375 and 400 cc as large C cups. 350 cc might be considered a classic middle C cup implant.

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When do breast implants fully settle?

You should expect your breasts to be in their final position at three months. The type and size of the implant can affect the drop and fluff timeline. The exact process occurs with round and teardrop-shaped implants, but larger implants may drop slightly faster.

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Do breast implants look smaller over time?

Over time, saline implants naturally lose a small percentage of their volume, primarily through evaporation. Not only does this result in a change in the patient's breast fullness, but it can also lead to noticeable implant rippling and other cosmetic defects.

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Do nipples look different after implants?

As with size, it is rare for the position of the nipples and areolas to change significantly after breast augmentation. If one nipple sits a bit lower than the other, it will likely stay that way after surgery, too. If one nipple points slightly to the left, it will remain that way after surgery.

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Do breast implants look better under or over the muscle?

If you have a small amount of breast tissue: It is more likely you will want to go behind the muscle. If the breads implant is in front of the muscle, you won't have enough breast tissue to cover the implant. That means that the roundness of the implant will be more visible.

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Why do my implants look so small?

After surgery, the implants tend to ride hide and appear small due to the patient's skin tightness in the area. There is tightness because the implants increase dimension to breast tissue causing the skin to compress the implant's shape and size.

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Do breast implants look bigger over or under the muscle?

Yes, it is true that the muscle is under the breast, and putting an implant under the muscle does succeed in making the breast look bigger, but the breast tissue itself does not actually belong there.

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Why is one boob bigger after augmentation?

Sometimes, despite your plastic surgeon's best efforts, one breast implants will appear higher or lower than the other due to a pre-existing asymmetry (if your breasts were asymmetrical before surgery, this difference can be magnified after surgery), the implant size(s) chosen, or using incision sites farther away from ...

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Can breast implants ever look natural?

So much depends on the natural breast structure. In general, the more natural breast tissue a patient has, the less noticeable will be the implant, regardless of gel or saline. Under-the-muscle placement of the implants creates a more gradual, natural-looking slope to the breasts, particularly in thinner patients.

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What do breast implants look like immediately after surgery?

You will see very little side or bottom rounding of the breasts, often looking square, with little outward projection and minimal bottom fullness. Have no fear! This is all normal. At this stage of augmentation recovery, you still have swelling and may even experience mild to moderate bruising.

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Do nipples stay erect after implants?

Nipple hardness

This means that if your nipples were firm before the surgery, they should continue to be this way afterwards. If your nipples were somewhat prominent to start with, they might have the illusion of being more prominent after surgery, as the implants now push them further outward.

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Do breast implants feel the same as real breasts?

Breasts with implants can feel different to the touch than unaugmented breasts and although silicone breasts feel similar to real breasts, they are still manmade and may not feel like natural breast tissue particularly if you have very little breast tissue.

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What is the most realistic boob job?

If you want the most natural-looking and natural-feeling results possible, then teardrop implants are likely the best option available to you. It's possible that round implants may achieve natural-looking results, but patients will have to meet certain qualifications, such as having an adequate amount of breast tissue.

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Do breast implants sag as you age?

While some implants sag or leak over time, many of them do not. If you have any concerns, please make an appointment and our expert breast surgeons can help you understand whether breast implant revision is a good option. Breast implants can last a lifetime for many patients, without cosmetic or medical concern.

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How big should I go with my breast implants?

Breast implants size for small frame – If you have a small frame, implants should not be larger than 2-3 times your current size. Breast implants size for medium frame – If you have a medium frame, you can go a little larger.

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When should I start massaging my implants?

If implant massage is advised, this involves moving the implant up, down, and side to side at least a few times a day to keep the pocket slightly larger than the implant. This usually starts a week or two after surgery and may continue for a couple of months.

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Can you massage your breasts too much after breast augmentation?

If you massage your breasts too soon after your surgery, the incisions could reopen and an infection could develop. If your breasts begin to feel hard, or if the tissue around them starts to feel tight, consult with your surgeon right away.

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How many cc's is considered a large implant?

The higher the number of CCs in an implant, the larger it is. Breast implants generally start at about 400 CCs and go up from there, with each 150 to 200 CCs reflecting an additional cup to cup-in-a-half in size.

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How do I know my cup size C?

Example: Bust = 37 inches, Band = 34 inches, 37 – 34 = 3 inches. That's a 34C! If the difference between band and bust measurement is 1, then your cup size is A. If the difference is 2, then the cup size will be B, so on & so forth.

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