Do breast implants look smaller over time?

Over time, saline implants naturally lose a small percentage of their volume, primarily through evaporation. Not only does this result in a change in the patient's breast fullness, but it can also lead to noticeable implant rippling and other cosmetic defects.

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Why do my breast implants seem smaller?

You might notice that the appearance of your new implants changes several times before your final results settle in. This is normal and nothing to worry about. Before you spring for a new wardrobe, though, give your breasts several months to settle into place and for their size and shape to stop adjusting.

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Do breast implants look smaller after they drop?

Over time, the swelling resolves, the tissues loosen up, and the shape of the implant starts to exert itself on the overlying tissues. As a result, the implants settle into a lower, more aesthetically pleasing position on the chest. They appear softer and rounder, and they look larger and closer together.

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Why do my breast implants look smaller after surgery?

Wait for your implants to settle.

As this happens, your implants will drop slightly and fill out the lower halves of your breasts, while the tissue above them expands. This process, which is known as “dropping and fluffing,” will give your breasts a fuller, rounder contour.

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Do breast implants look smaller under the muscle?

Placing the implant below the muscle does typically make the implant look slightly smaller as the muscle will give the implant a touch more of a natural slope. It also compresses the implant, which makes the breast look slightly smaller.

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Breast Implants - Why Do Women Typically Say "I Wish I Chose Bigger"?

31 related questions found

Do breast implants look bigger over or under the muscle?

Yes, it is true that the muscle is under the breast, and putting an implant under the muscle does succeed in making the breast look bigger, but the breast tissue itself does not actually belong there.

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Do breast implants look better under or over the muscle?

If you have a small amount of breast tissue: It is more likely you will want to go behind the muscle. If the breads implant is in front of the muscle, you won't have enough breast tissue to cover the implant. That means that the roundness of the implant will be more visible.

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Why do my new implants look so small?

Breast Implants Start High

Your breasts may also look smaller than you were hoping for. At first, the muscle and breast tissues are tight, compressing your implant. In time, these tissues will relax and loosen, and the breast implant drop will occur and develop into a more natural-looking position.

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When do breast implants start to look normal?

One of the most common questions we get from patients is when breast implants start to look/feel normal and when the natural drop of the breasts occurs after breast implant surgery. Breast implants generally take six weeks to three months to adjust and look natural.

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Do breast implants ever look normal?

So much depends on the natural breast structure. In general, the more natural breast tissue a patient has, the less noticeable will be the implant, regardless of gel or saline. Under-the-muscle placement of the implants creates a more gradual, natural-looking slope to the breasts, particularly in thinner patients.

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Do breast implants look bigger once they drop and fluff?

After dropping, the implants relax or “fluff” into the lower breast areas, taking on the natural teardrop shape which is more projected. The breasts begin to look larger with normal contours, taking on the appearance the patient had in mind when she started the process.

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Can you massage your breasts too much after breast augmentation?

If you massage your breasts too soon after your surgery, the incisions could reopen and an infection could develop. If your breasts begin to feel hard, or if the tissue around them starts to feel tight, consult with your surgeon right away.

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How can I make my breast implants bigger?

Going Bigger

In a procedure to insert larger implants, the surgeon opens the breasts along the original incision lines, removes the old implants, and inserts the new, larger implants in the same breast pockets. While it sounds simple, the procedure is more complicated than the original augmentation surgery.

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Why do my implants look different sizes?

So, why is one breast bigger than the other? Asymmetry after breast augmentation can be caused by a variety of factors. Perhaps your breasts healed at different rates, or there is a significant difference in the size of your surgical pockets. Either way, uneven breasts can lead to more problems than you think.

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How long does it take for breasts to fluff after explant?

How long does it take for breasts to fluff after implant removal? The fluffing process differs between patients, although it generally takes between 6 to 9 months for most people. People may experience fluffing as early as three months after surgery.

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Do breast implants sag as you age?

While some implants sag or leak over time, many of them do not. If you have any concerns, please make an appointment and our expert breast surgeons can help you understand whether breast implant revision is a good option. Breast implants can last a lifetime for many patients, without cosmetic or medical concern.

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Will my breast implants look better if I lose weight?

Actually, this is a common misconception. Your breast implant size won't change if you lose or gain weight. Of course, there are some cosmetic concerns associated with breast augmentation and weight fluctuation. If you have questions about how your appearance may change, ask board-certified plastic surgeon Dr.

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What makes breast implants look natural?

Women seeking a more natural appearance often opt for silicone since the material feels more like natural breast tissue. Silicone teardrop implants aren't round like standard implants. Instead, they have a sloped contour and texture that mimics the shape of natural breasts.

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Why can't I get bigger implants?

So if you're someone who has less breast tissue to begin with and if you have a tight skin envelope where the implant will be placed, you're someone who will have more size limitations than a patient with more breast tissue or a looser skin envelope.

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Why do my implants not look round?

While you might be expecting smooth, round breasts, it's not uncommon for your implants to appear square or elongated at first. Before you panic, know that this is often a normal part of the recovery process.

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How long do breast implants look good?

In many cases, breast implants can remain in good shape for 20 years or more. Every patient is different, and the life of your implants will depend on your body and how you take care of your implants.

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How do I keep my breast implants looking good?

After a breast implant procedure, you'll need a good-quality bra to help limit the impact of gravity on your breasts and prevent premature sagging. Select bras that fit properly and offer your augmented breasts the needed support. Wear a well-fitting bra as often as you can, including while exercising.

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What shape is best for breast implants?

There are two shape options for implants, tear drop or round. Generally, round implants conform best to the natural shape of the breast and offer women favorable results.

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Do implants look more natural under the muscle?

Should you have a sufficient amount of skin and breast tissue, positioning implants underneath the muscle (subpectoral/submuscular placement) can often produce extremely natural-looking results.

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Do over the muscle implants sag more?

As a result of the support provided by the pectoralis muscle when implants are place underneath it, there is less of a tendency for the implant and the breast to sag over time. These breasts tend to be more gravity resistant than either natural breasts or those with implants placed on top of the muscle's surface.

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