Do Amish not bathe?

The Amish have various hygiene practices, just like regular Americans. They take showers, although the frequency may vary among different Amish orders. Conservative Amish don't use deodorant, talc, or lotion. They simply wash, dry, and put on clean clothing.

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What is forbidden for Amish?

As part of their Ordnung, Old Order Amish forbid owning automobiles; tapping electricity from public utility lines; owning televisions, radios, or personal computers; attending high school or college; joining the military; and initiating divorce. All Amish groups expect men and women to wear prescribed clothing.

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Do the Amish wear deodorant?

As a general thing, I think the carpenters tend to start work earlier and get off earlier, so they can have more time with their families. Concerning deodorant, yes, the Amish DO wear deodorant. If they don't, it's their personal choice.

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Do Amish use regular toilets?

Instead of flushing toilets, outhouses are commonly used. This is true of the most conservative Amish, the Swartzentruber Amish. Interestingly, even communities that have indoor plumbing, sometimes still use outhouses.

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Do Amish have a bed time?

The Amish retire early, typically around 9:00 p.m. This gives them time to wind down from their day and prepare for sleep. Once they are in bed, they say a prayer and then drift off to sleep. The Amish believe it's important to get a good night's sleep, so they can be fresh for the next day.

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How do Amish get hot water / How do Amish take hot shower?

45 related questions found

What is the feminine hygiene of the Amish?

Feminine Hygiene

Female Amish wash their hair and wear it in a bun. As for makeup, Amish women aren't allowed to wear cosmetics or adornments considered worldly. This includes lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, and jewelry.

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Do Amish kiss in public?

Unmarried Amish men and women aren't supposed to have any physical contact with each other. This includes kissing, hugging, and even holding hands.

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What do Amish use for periods?

I think the level of integration with the modern world varies community to community (some Amish communities are more insular than others) but the most conservative of them will probably use the same methods women used for hundreds of years — wrapping themselves with strips of material, or wrapping their shift/ ...

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Do Amish take hot showers?

The modern world has so many inventions that make life easier so how do the Amish live without those conveniences or modify them to fit within their lifestyle? The Amish can still take a hot shower, they simply hook up their hot water tank to a gas or propane fueled energy source.

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Do Amish people use diapers?

Thus, the Amish don't use cars or bicycles for transportation, but they will use skateboards. They don't use electricity, but they do use disposable diapers.

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Do Amish girls shave legs?

Despite being surrounded by an ever-changing society, the Amish culture thrives on old-fashioned traditions. Amish women don't shave their underarms or legs because, according to their interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:5-15, doing so would violate God's law.

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Why do the Amish shave their lip?

In order to separate themselves physically from those who would engage in military service (while letting the world know they were married, because the Amish don't exchange wedding rings), they decided to grow beards but shave their lips.

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Why do Amish girls cover their hair?

However, in addition to the modesty aspect, women must keep their heads covered at all times so that they can pray at any time. Both modesty and prayer are central to the daily lives of Amish people and for women, wearing head coverings and bonnets is an important part of that.

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Do Amish have mirrors?

While the Amish do not take pictures of themselves, they do use mirrors. The use of a mirror is allowed because unlike a picture, it is not a graven image. Women use mirrors to do their hair and men use mirrors to shave. If you take our guided farmhouse tour, you'll spot a few mirrors in the house.

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Are Amish allowed to drink coffee?

Do Amish drink coffee? They do. In fact, coffee soup is a common breakfast dish in Amish country. It's made of coffee and generous amounts of cream and sugar.

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Are Amish allowed to watch TV?

There are many restrictions on technology that are more or less universal among the Old Order Amish, as the ban on cars as well as the ban on radio, television and in most cases the use of the internet, see above.

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Do Amish have good hygiene?

So the Amish do bathe using soap and water just like the rest of us, even if they're sometimes a bit more old-fashioned about it. It's both a reminder of the importance of tradition and history to the Amish and that they aren't as different from us in some basic human ways as we might think.

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Can Amish girls show their hair?

The practice of wearing Amish bonnets or head coverings is stated explicitly in 1 Corinthians 11. It strongly suggests that men should keep their heads uncovered during prayer and prophesying, while women should wear head coverings at all times, especially during prayers.

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How do the Amish feel about woman?

It is clear that women are valued in Amish culture, and on some levels are even afforded types of equality and freedoms that women outside of Amish society might not be. In Amish weddings, for example, the woman is not “given away” by her father to her future husband, as is often done in non-Amish weddings.

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How do Amish men treat their wives?

Amish men and women usually assume traditional and well-defined gender roles. Husbands carry the primary responsibility for the financial well-being of the family. Wives typically devote themselves to housekeeping and motherhood.

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Do Amish breast feed?

After giving birth, Amish mothers breastfeed their babies for as long as possible.

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Why don t Amish women's clothes have buttons?

Buttons are frowned upon because of their potential for ostentation, and such things as Velcro and zippers are banned. Instead, clothes are fastened by pins or hook-and-eye closures.

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Can an Amish girl marry a non-Amish?

Marriage in the Amish community is seen as a passage into adulthood. To get married in the Amish community, members must be baptized in the church. Outsiders, non-Amish, or 'English', as they call the rest of the world, are not permitted to marry within the Amish community.

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What are the Amish hair rules?

Women are to keep their hair long and worn in a single braid or bun that is pinned behind their head. Hair must be kept out of sight, as it's seen as too sensual and can be distracting for men in the community. The reason Amish women don't cut their hair is more than just aesthetic preference.

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Do the Amish hug their children?

Mothers are very demonstrative with their babies when they nurse them and sing to them as they soothe them to sleep. But they don't pick up their children to hug and kiss them.

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