Can you drive after hernia surgery?

Normally, you should refrain from driving for at least 1 week after a hernia repair operation. You should be free from the distracting effect of pain or the sedative or other effects of any pain relief medication you are taking.

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What can you not do after hernia surgery?

Avoid strenuous activities, such as biking, jogging, weight lifting, or aerobic exercise, until your doctor says it is okay. Avoid lifting anything that would make you strain.

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How long until you can lift after hernia surgery?

The general advice given by many after your hernia repair is 'no heavy lifting for 6 weeks'.

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How long should I walk after hernia surgery?

Pushing your body too quickly will do more harm than good. If you don't think you can walk comfortably, don't. However, if you can walk safely without straining, you can do a couple sessions a day for as little as 5-15 minutes at a time.

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Are you on bed rest after hernia surgery?

Of course, they should not be doing any strenuous exercise, but all patients after a hernia operation, be it laparoscopic hernia surgery or open, should be encouraged to get out of bed as much as possible and move around. Absolute bed rest is no longer recommended for hernia operations.

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How soon can I travel after hernia surgery? Explained by Michael Albin, M.D. F.A.C.S.

21 related questions found

Is it better to sit or lay down after hernia surgery?

At first you may need to rest in bed with your upper body raised on pillows. This helps you breathe easier and may help lessen post-surgery hernia pain. Cold and Heat: Both cold and heat can help lessen some types of post-op pain.

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Can I sit in the toilet after hernia surgery?

Yes! Constipation is a terrible and uncomfortable feeling, especially when you are recovering from hernia surgery and have such little control over your bowels. However, sitting on the toilet can help trigger muscles in your body that says it is time for a bowel movement. Be patient though.

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What is the fastest way to recover from hernia surgery?

Gentle exercise, such as walking, can help you heal faster. Avoid lifting anything heavy or performing strenuous activities for at least four weeks. Sexual intercourse is permitted when you feel ready—generally, around two to three weeks post-surgery.

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How long after hernia surgery can I take a shower?

It is OK to shower starting around 24 – 36 hours after surgery. If you have bandages on the incisions, take them off before showering. You should see little pieces of tape (called steri-strips) directly attached to your skin.

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Is bending OK after hernia surgery?

Postoperative care

Few require analgesia after 48 hours. Most patients can return to light duties after 2 weeks avoiding any heavy lifting more than 7 kg, and no bending, pushing, pulling, squatting, twisting and lifting above shoulders for 6 weeks period.

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What are the typical restrictions after hernia surgery?

No strenuous activity, lifting over 20 lbs, sexual intercourse, or other forms of exercise at least until your post-op visit. Based on your particular surgery, these restrictions may/may not hold for a longer period of time; to be addressed at your post-op visit. For complex hernia patients, wear your binder.

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Why am I peeing so much after hernia surgery?


Occasionally, after surgery, your bladder may become too full with urine, and urinary retention can develop. This may manifest as either: 1) inability to void, 2) frequent voiding, or 3) frequent voiding of small amounts of urine.

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Is hernia surgery a major surgery?

Conventional repair

Open hernia repair is a major surgery that's performed with the aid of general anesthesia or local anesthesia and sedation.

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Can I push to poop after hernia surgery?

Having a Bowel Movement After Hernia Surgery

Don't strain, push or force a bowel movement to avoid damaging the repaired hernia. Instead, bring a book or your phone and try to relax so your body can take care of the rest.

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Can I walk up and down stairs after hernia surgery?

Walking short distances and going up and down stairs is acceptable. Do not drive for at least 5 days after surgery. You should not drive if you have taken any prescription pain medication within the past 24 hours. During the second week, you may walk for exercise.

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Can I go for a walk after hernia surgery?

Activity. There are no medical or physical restrictions on activity after surgery. That means it is OK to walk, climb stairs, lift, have sexual intercourse, mow the lawn, or exercise as long as it doesn't hurt. In fact, returning to normal activity as soon as possible will most likely enhance your recovery.

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Does hernia surgery hurt a lot?

After hernia repair surgery, it is common to experience mild to moderate pain for a few days. Our surgical team recommends the following regimen to mitigate the risk of developing severe pain: The patient takes Tylenol 1000mg the night before surgery before going to bed.

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How long does a hernia mesh last?

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that hernia mesh is a permanent implant. It means that once implanted; it is not designed to be removed. The FDA also states that hernia mesh should last a lifetime.

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Will I always feel my hernia mesh?

People who have a mesh plug used to repair their hernias often feel the mesh plug. While it's not always painful, some chronic pain issues are likely due to the shape and location of the mesh plug.

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What not to eat after hernia surgery?

You must not eat breads, crackers, biscuits, chunky meats such as steaks and dry meals such as cold cuts. You can now start eating soft food such as well cooked pasta, minced meat, flaked fish, well cooked rice, pulses and vegetables with plenty of sauce.

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How painful is hernia surgery with mesh?

Patients have reported pain in the stomach, abdomen, groin, leg and testicles. Hernia mesh pain symptoms include a burning sensation at the surgery site, inflammation or swelling, and tingling. Editors carefully fact-check all Drugwatch content for accuracy and quality.

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How long are you in bed after hernia surgery?

Many patients feel well enough to perform normal daily activities – including driving and return to work – after only a couple of days, but we restrict patient activity for 2 weeks to allow for adequate healing. Patients should not exercise or do any heavy lifting for the first 2 weeks after hernia surgery.

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What should I wear at home after hernia surgery?

Compression Garments after Hernia Surgery

The goal of compression garments is to provide compression to the skin and soft tissues, alleviating pain, reducing swelling and improving overall healing. Additionally, sudden movements like coughing, laughing and sneezing can be uncomfortable and lead to bruising.

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What do you wear during hernia surgery?

As a rule, you should wear loose-fitting clothes that will allow you to be comfortable after the procedure. Choose something that will not put pressure on the surgical site. You will not need to carry a change of clothes.

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