Can I wear deodorant after breast lift?

You can shave and use deodorant after 1 week if your incisions have no open areas. For pain, take prescribed pain medication, Tylenol®, or ibuprofen every 4 to 6 hours as needed.

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Why do my armpits smell after breast augmentation?

Answer: Bad smell in armpits after breast augmentation

If you have a persistent odor from the armpits despite washing with soap and water, you may certainly have an infection at the incision site. Call your plastic surgeon and have him/her take a look as soon as possible.

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How do you clean your breast after a breast lift?

Using warm, soapy water, take either a cotton pad or clean washcloth and clean the wound. Avoid scrubbing too hard but try to get off any dried blood. If you notice any severe redness, inflammation, or pus, these could be signs that it's infected and you need to call Dr. Gregory Wiener's office right away.

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When can I go braless after breast lift?

You should avoid going braless before the six-week mark after your surgery. Dr. Howland requires patients to wear their compression bra for several weeks at all times except when bathing to aid the healing process.

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How long do you have to sleep sitting up after breast lift?

In most cases, patients continue sleeping on their back for at least 2 – 4 weeks after breast lift surgery to minimize discomfort. Some patients are able to resume side-sleeping comfortably after 1 – 2 weeks, though stomach-sleeping may remain uncomfortable or painful for much longer.

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17 related questions found

When can I raise my arms after a breast lift?

Don't raise your arms above breast level for 10 days. And don't lift, push, or pull anything heavier than 10 pounds for at least 7 days.

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When should I start massaging my breasts after a lift?

You should begin massaging your breasts one week after your surgery to promote healthy and beautiful results. You do, however, want to wait until after your incisions have healed to be sure that you do not open the incisions, as this can lead to infection.

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Can I wear a sports bra instead of surgical bra?

Sports bra is fine for most of the patients. However if you are going for a big size augmentation, a surgical bra is recommended as it gives you lateral support on the breasts. So you don't want the breast implants to pop up laterally, that's why the surgical bras are better.

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Do breasts look smaller after breast lift?

Breast Lift and Cup Size

Breast lift typically reduces bra size by one full cup. However, in a study featured in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it was suggested that this has less to do with a loss of volume than with a restoration of comfort.

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Do breast lifts sag over time?

Breast lift surgery is an excellent way to raise the breasts to create a more youthful silhouette. However, like any other surgery, its results don't last forever. Skin continues to stretch as we age, and breasts gradually begin to sag.

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What not to do after breast lift?

Don't lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk (including your children), as you could strain your healing breasts and cause swelling. Along the same lines, don't push anything heavy, like a stroller or a large grocery cart. Don't smoke after surgery, as it can interfere with your body's ability to heal.

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How long does it take for a breast lift to settle?

How long is the recovery after a breast lift? As with any procedure, the details of a breast lift recovery can vary from patient to patient. In general, most women can expect to feel well enough to return to work after 1 – 2 weeks, with the majority of their swelling resolving in about 3 – 6 weeks.

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How long do breast lift incisions take to heal?

Incisions typically fully heal around the 2-week mark and patients may be cleared to take baths. 4 Weeks Following Surgery: Most patients are healed enough to resume their normal exercise routine (however exercises and activities like golf, tennis, etc. that specifically target the chest should still be avoided).

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Why do I feel fat after breast augmentation?

Swelling – You'll experience some swelling in the breast region after your procedure, and this can result in a modest weight gain. As with fluid retention, you'll lose this extra weight as your swelling subsides.

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What happens if you use your arms too much after breast augmentation?

Muscle Healing

Loss of the integrity of the muscle repair can cause post-operative bleeding or an increase in fluid collection (seroma) that can increase the risk of scar formation around the implants (capsular contracture) or infection that could result in complete loss of the implant.

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How do you get rid of body odor after surgery?

Soap and shampoo have different abilities to kill bacteria. I sometimes recommend a topical antibacterial, chlorhexidine (sold as Hibiclens and other brands), which is very effective at reducing bacteria counts.

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How many sizes do you go down after breast lift?

Typically, a breast lift (medically referred to as mastopexy) reduces bra size by one cup.

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Does a breast lift drop and fluff?

Directly after your procedure, you might notice that your implants are "riding high" on your chest and may look flatter than you'd hoped or slightly square in shape. These are normal occurrences caused by tight skin and muscle tissue that will gradually resolve as your implants drop and fluff over the coming weeks.

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How long are breast swollen after breast lift?

Most swelling will accumulate over the first three days. As time goes on, you'll notice a steady decline in the amount of swelling you have. By weeks two and three, you'll notice a marked difference. By week six, the majority of your swelling should be gone.

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How long do I have to sleep on my back after breast surgery?

Sleeping on your back keeps your breasts in the best possible position for healing. In fact, Dr. Kirby recommends her Fort Worth breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction patients sleep on their backs for at least 8 to 12 weeks after surgery.

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When can I lay flat on my back after breast augmentation?

After several days, when swelling and bruising have gone down, you can usually sleep flat on your back if you feel comfortable doing so. However, it's important that you don't sleep on your side or roll onto your side in your sleep.

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Will my shirt size change after breast augmentation?

Implants not only change the size and profile of the chest but the entire form of the body. Don't be afraid to show that by shopping for more form-fitting t-shirts, shirts, and dresses.

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How do I know if my breast lift is healing properly?

What Are the Signs That Your Wound Is Healing Properly?
  1. Fluid. As your wound heals, you will notice some watery discharge coming out of the incision area. ...
  2. Redness. Some degree of redness and pain is typical following your surgical procedure. ...
  3. Raised Skin. Ideally, healing wounds should remain relatively flat.

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What to expect 3 weeks after breast lift?

At about three weeks you will notice almost all the bruising is gone and a lot of the swelling has subsided. Your incisions may look pink or brown and they might still feel tender and firm to touch. With your doctor's okay, you can start doing more activities at this point.

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How often should you shower after breast lift?

Post-Plastic Surgery Showing Tips

While recovery is unique for each individual, it is generally recommended that showering be avoided for 48 hours after plastic surgery. This allows your incisions time to begin the healing process and helps prevent premature scab removal.

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