Can bearded dragons eat corn?

The quick answer is yes, they can...but they really don't need to. Corn is not exactly harmful in limited amounts, so some Dragon Keepers opt to feed their bearded dragon corn once a month or less often.

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Can bearded dragons eat peas and corn?

Dragons can eat peas whole. Wash them thoroughly if they are fresh, drain them if the are canned, and thaw them if they are frozen (but don't heat them to avoid burning your dragon's mouth). Snap peas or snow peas. Dragons can eat pea pods if they are sliced or chopped to prevent choking.

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What veggies can Beardies not eat?

Avoid vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and romaine as too much can be harmful, or they offer limited nutritional value. Bearded dragons will also eat fruits like apples, strawberries, watermelon, and peaches. Aside from delicious fruits and vegetables, dragons will eat just about any insect that moves.

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Can a bearded dragon eat baby corn?

Bearded Dragons Are Omnivores this means the will eat both meat and vegetation. Fresh Vegetables should be provided daily, this includes; spring greens, red cabbage, dandelion leaves and flowers, peppers, baby corn, kale, broccoli etc.

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What can I not give my bearded dragon?

Avocado, garlic, onion, and eggplant should all be avoided as they can be toxic even in small amounts. Non-nutrient dense foods with a high water content should also not be fed. These include iceberg lettuce and celery. Finally, fireflies, spiders, and ticks can be toxic to bearded dragons.

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5 Foods To NEVER Feed Your Bearded Dragon

27 related questions found

Can Beardies eat cucumber?

Bearded dragons can have cucumbers every other week or so.

But there are several nutritional benefits from the right amount of cucumber: 96% water, making it a great source of hydration especially if your bearded dragon is dehydrated. Fiber, which prevents constipation.

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Can bearded dragons eat raw corn on the cob?

As with all produce, organic corn is the best option for your beardie. Some dragons will eat corn right off the cob (with supervision, of course!). If your bearded dragon doesn't seem to like that too much, you can offer individual kernels.

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Can bearded dragons eat lettuce or cabbage?

your beardie doesn't have to totally shun this crunchy snack. Bearded dragons can eat green cabbage once a week, or every other depending on what other goitrogenic food may be on their feeding schedule. Green cabbage makes a great addition to a salad, maybe topped with some Dubia roaches.

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Can Beardies eat baby tomatoes?

So you may be wondering if you can share this veggie-like fruit with your reptile friend. Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? As is the case for many fruits, the answer is qualified. Yes, bearded dragons can safely eat tomatoes...but only a small amount served once a month.

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Do Beardies eat raw carrots?

Your bearded dragon can safely eat carrots raw or cooked...just keep in mind that if you cook the carrots, they will lose some of their nutrients. Baby vs large carrots. Large carrots are the preferred kind of carrot for your bearded dragon.

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Can Beardies eat bananas?

Let's find out: Can bearded dragons eat bananas? The short answer: yes, they can, but only once or twice a month. The long answer will explain why bearded dragons can eat bananas only once or twice a month.

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Can bearded dragons eat eggs?

Bearded dragons can safely eat scrambled eggs.

They can also eat hard boiled eggs. Just remember these pointers: Adult bearded dragons should eat no more than half an egg at a time, max. If you're scrambling the egg, don't mix any additional ingredients with it.

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Can bearded dragon eat cheese?

Can bearded dragons eat cheese? The answer is a resounding NO. Bearded dragons cannot have cheese or any dairy, for that matter. Sure, it's a great source of calcium for people who don't have an allergy or lactose intolerance.

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Can Beardies eat potatoes?

Bearded dragons can eat potatoes, but only rarely.

While it's technically safe to give your dragon a bit of potato once a month or so, it's not necessary to their wellbeing and there are several nutritional issues you should be aware of before you decide whether to let your bearded dragon eat potatoes.

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Do bearded dragons recognize their owners?

Many bearded dragons recognize their owner's voice and scent, and display various signs of comfort and familiarity around them. This can foster a really special bond even though it isn't technically love.

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Is broccoli good for bearded dragons?

Bearded dragons can safely consume a little bit of broccoli once a month or so. In the appropriate amount, broccoli offers numerous health benefits to humans and bearded dragons alike: Vitamins A and C, which strengthen the immune system, vision, reproduction, and growth.

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Can bearded dragons eat apples?

Good news: bearded dragons can eat apples weekly! In fact, apples are one of the safer fruits for dragons to eat on a regular basis. It's important to note, though, that beardies don't need fruit every day.

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Is spinach safe for bearded dragons?

Despite all these incredible benefits, spinach has one fatal flaw for bearded dragons: it is chock-full of oxalates. As you may know, oxalates can be deadly for bearded dragons because they bind with calcium in a dragon's body, preventing that much-needed mineral from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

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Can I feed my bearded dragon mince?

Yes, they can. Some beardies will eat raw meat such as minced beef, lean turkey, or chicken breast. However, whether they should or not is up for debate; they can eat small amounts of meat in the wild, but they also get more exercise in general in the wild.

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Can Beardies eat raw chicken?

Knowing what constitutes a healthy and balanced diet for your bearded dragon is a big part of being a responsible owner. However, it's equally as important to know about food items that should never appear in your beardie's food bowl. Chicken, whether raw or cooked, should never be eaten by bearded dragons.

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Can bearded dragons eat zucchini?

Bearded dragons can eat raw zucchini. Although you can serve them cooked food, bearded dragons really do not need to eat cooked zucchini, since cooking does deplete the already relatively low nutritional value. Plus, out in the wild bearded dragons would be eating raw vegetation anyway, so they are used to it.

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Do Beardies eat watermelon?

Can bearded dragons eat watermelon? Bearded dragons can eat watermelon rarely, as a treat. Watermelon in particular is not very nutrient dense for dragons, so it's less beneficial than some other fruits that offer a little more substance.

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Can bearded dragons have cauliflower?

Despite these benefits, cauliflower is not ideal for bearded dragons for the following reasons: Cauliflower has double the amount of phosphorus as calcium, which essentially cancels out any calcium the cauliflower has. Phosphorus can even remove calcium from your dragon's body.

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Can Beardies eat sweet potato?

Bearded dragons can have sweet potatoes as a treat, once or twice a month. Sweet potatoes do offer a decent amount of nutritional benefits for humans and bearded dragons alike, such as: Vitamin C, great for a healthy immune system. Vitamin A, great for vision health.

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