Can a Scrabble word go up?

Words may only go from top-to-bottom or from left-to-right. 4. Any tile touching another tile must spell a real word (except tiles that only touch corner tips—they don't count).

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Can you go up or backwards in Scrabble?

Backwards words are not found in the dictionary. You can play any combination of letters in Scrabble. It is up to your opponent to challenge it off the board if they think it is not in the dictionary. Of course, any word that is a palindrome can be played either forwards or backwards.

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Can you go vertical in Scrabble?

All tiles played in any one turn must be placed in one continuous line only, horizontally or vertically. Players may not add tiles to various words, or form new words in different parts of the board in the same turn.

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What is the highest possible Scrabble word?

oxyphenbutazone, 1778 points

Oxyphenbutazone is an anti-inflammatory drug and a recognized word in the Scrabble dictionary. It is theorized to be the highest scoring legal word that would actually fit on a Scrabble board.

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What are the rules for letter placement in Scrabble?

Always keep 7 tiles on each rack, unless there are not enough tiles left. The letters placed in a single turn must all be in a single horizontal row or in a single vertical column, and the letters placed (plus letters already on the board) must form a single word from the dictionary, with no gaps.

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Clarify This Scrabble Rule Please

24 related questions found

Can you move a letter in Scrabble?

Rules for Tile Exchange in Scrabble

You can only do this if at least seven tiles are still in the bag. If you are near the end of the game and six or fewer tiles remain, you can't exchange your tiles. When you exchange your tiles, you are passing on forming a word in that round.

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Can you stack letters on Scrabble?

Stacking Letters: You can stack letters on top of letters already on the board to change a word into a different word. For example, stack the letter “W” on top of the letter “M” in MOOD to change MOOD to WOOD as shown in Figure 3. You cannot play more than one letter on the same stack during one turn.

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Is IQ a word in Scrabble?

Though it's annoying that you cannot play such a clever word as IQ in Scrabble, there are plenty of uses for that pair of letters.

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What is the best opening word in Scrabble?

MUZJIKS is the highest-scoring opening word in Scrabble. With its tiles value at 29 points, it can score a total of 128 points on the first move. Jesse Inman is the only player ever to come close to using it.

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Is Qi a valid Scrabble word?

“Qi” is a viable Scrabble word and it is the only two-letter word you can play with Q in Scrabble or Words With Friends. Played on its own (and not accounting for bonus squares or other words you form), the word "qi" is worth 11 points in Scrabble.

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Is Zen a Scrabble word?

Three letters meaning 'serenity' finally are admitted to earn their chance for a triple word score. In a week full of disconcerting and divisive political news, there was, at least, one welcome oasis of serenity. “Zen” has come to Scrabble.

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How does upward differ from Scrabble?

Upwords is similar to Scrabble or Words With Friends, in that players build words using letter tiles on a gridded gameboard. The point of difference is that in Upwords letters can be stacked on top of other letters already on the gameboard to create new words.

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What is not allowed in Scrabble?

There are some words that are not allowed to be played and these include suffixes, prefixes and abbreviations. Any word that requires the use of a hyphen or apostrophe cannot be played in the game. Any word that required the use of a capital letter is not allowed.

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Is za a valid Scrabble word?

ZA is the most played word containing the letter Z (and the only playable two-letter word with the letter Z) in tournament SCRABBLE play.

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Are names allowed in Scrabble?

"Any words found in a standard dictionary are permitted except those capitalized, those designated as foreign words, abbreviations and words requiring apostrophes or hyphens," the inside cover of a 1953 set that I own states.

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Who invented Scrabble?

On December 1, 1948, James Brunot of Newtown copyrighted the famous spelling game Scrabble. Designed in 1931 by architect Alfred Mosher Butts under the name Lexico, the original game was played without a board and players earned points based on the length of the words formed.

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Is Zoot a word?

Noun. (UK, slang) A marijuana cigarette.

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What is the highest scoring 5 letter word in Scrabble?

JEEZ: Jeez, meaning a mild expression to show surprise, scores a whopping 20 points for Scrabble. FUZZY: Fuzzy is a high-scoring five letter word, coming in at 25 points. WHIZZ: Commonly spelled with one z, whiz is accepted with two z's in Scrabble, scoring 28 points. Without the extra z, it is only worth 18 points.

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What is the highest 2 letter word in Scrabble?

The letter 'X' provides the highest scoring two-letter words, with at least 9 points awarded for the Greek letter names 'Ax', 'Ex', 'Ox', 'Xi' and the Vietnamese coin 'Xu'; whilst with 'Zax' (a hatchet-like tool) attaining a minimum of 19 points, it also gives you the highest scoring three-letter word.

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What does YEET mean in Scrabble?

Yeet is a slang word that functions broadly with the meaning “to throw,” but is especially used to emphasize forcefulness and a lack of concern for the thing being thrown.

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Is YEET allowed in Scrabble?

However, since “YEET" is not acceptable in any English language Scrabble dictionary, you would run the risk of this phony word being challenged off the board by your opponent. With these same four letters, I would advise playing the valid word TYEE (a food fish) instead.

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Does Scrabble make you smart?

Improves your Memory

Training your memory leads to improved cognitive capacity, which means that your brain will be more efficient when dealing with challenging tasks. One of the effects of playing Scrabble is learning new words, but playing this game will also have a direct impact on the performance of your brain.

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Can you add an S to a word in Scrabble?

You can add an "s" to the end of an already existing word on the board to pluralize it, while also creating an entirely new word. But use your "s" wisely. The game only contains four "s" tiles, so the move should earn at least 10 points to make it worthwhile.

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Can you do 2 words in Scrabble?

You can make more than one word in a turn by playing parallel to an existing word. Yes, that's the key. All of your letters must be part of the same word, played in the same direction (e.g. horizontally).

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Is ex a valid Scrabble word?

Yes, ex is a Scrabble word!

Ex is a valid Scrabble word.

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