Can a 17 year old date a 23 year old in New York?

A: The consenting age in New York is 17 years old. As a result, anyone who has intercourse with a minor under the age of 17 may be charged with statutory rape. As a result, in New York, a 23-year-old might be charged with a crime for having sex with a 16-year-old.

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Can a 25 year old date a 17 year old in New York?

Age of Consent in New York

The age of consent for sexual relations in New York is 17 years old, meaning until a person turns 17, they cannot legally consent to sexual activity. A person who has sexual activity with someone younger than 17 can be charged with a sex crime. (More information on these crimes is below.)

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Is 17 and 22 legal in New York?

In the State of New York, the age of consent is 17 years old. At and after the age of 17, an individual is capable of giving consent to sexual intercourse that is valid under the law. At this age, people may decide for themselves if they wish to participate in intercourse or any other sexual activity.

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Is 17 considered a minor in New York?

New York's legal age laws, for example, establish an "age of majority" of 18. At the age of majority, an individual is legally considered an adult. Minors in New York may consent to medical treatment if they are married, the parent of a patient that is also a child, or in cases of emergency.

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Can a 17 year old sleep with a 30 year old in NY?

The New York age of consent is 17-years-old.

It means that in New York, it's illegal for someone age 18 or older to have sex with someone who is under the age of 17, even if it was “consensual sex.”

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Can I get in trouble for dating my 17 year old girlfriend?

31 related questions found

Can a 24 year old date a 17 year old in New York?

A: In New York, the legal age of consent is 17 years old. This means that anyone who engages in sexual activity with a person under 17 can be charged with statutory rape, even if the sexual activity was consensual. However, dating does not necessarily involve sexual activity.

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What is the legal age gap to date in New York?

Categories of Statutory Rape Charges

If someone who is 21 or older has sexual relations with someone under 17 years of age, they may be charged with rape in the third degree under New York Penal Law §130.25. This is considered a class E felony offense, and as such can be punished by up to four years in prison.

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Is sexting legal in New York?

Finally, no matter a person's age, it is a crime in New York to send or post Intimate Images of a person without his or her consent. Convictions of felony Teen Sexting charges require registration as a Sex Offender under the Sex Offender Registration Act or SORA.

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Can a 17 year old live alone in New York?

Is this acceptable under New York State law? According to the law, there is no set age at which you can leave a child alone. The parent is responsible for deciding whether or not the child is mature and responsible enough to understand the circumstances and take care of her or himself.

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Can a 17 year old travel to New York?

without your parent's permission. Like entry in general, you need to check this all out with the Embassy. Most hotels will not rent you a room unless you are over 21. *No* hotels will rent you a room if you are under 18.

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Can a 17 year old date a 22 year old in America?

A: It is legal for anyone to “date” someone else. The law is not about dating, but about sex. It is technically legal for a 22-year-old to have sex with a 17-year-old; However, this is still not a good idea. First, a 17-year-old is still a minor.

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Can a 22 year old date a 17 year old in USA?

The age of majority in most states is 16. There is no outstanding law prohibiting a 22 year old dating a 17 year old. If her parents do not object, you may date her.

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What is the lowest age of consent in the US?

What is the lowest age of consent in the US? The lowest age of consent in the U.S. is 16. Other states have an age of consent of either 17 or 18 years old.

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Can a 21 year old sleep with a 17 year old?

In NSW, the age of consent is 16. If you are 16 years old and above, you can legally have sex (or do another sexual activity) with another person who is 16 years or older as long as you both agree to it.

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What is the close in age exception in NY?

The age of consent in New York is 17.

Remember, there are no close-in-age exemptions in New York. Generally known as “Romeo and Juliet laws,” these exemptions allow minors near in age to engage in consensual sexual activity without facing criminal repercussions.

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Does NY have a Romeo and Juliet law?

The Romeo and Juliet law in New York states that as soon as someone hits the age of 17, they can freely consent to have sex with any other partner of legal age.

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Can a 17 year old live alone in USA?

Generally speaking, a parent has the right to keep a child at home until the child turns eighteen (18). The United States Supreme Court has said that a child under the age of 18 is subject to the physical control of their parents or guardians. A parent can legally tell their 17-year-old that they cannot move out.

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Why is child support until 21 in NY?

While there are some exceptions, this means that child support must be paid until the child reaches the age of 21. The reason for this is due to the presumption that a child is typically not self-supporting yet due to them either living at home with the custodial parent or attending college full time.

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Can you buy an apartment at 17 in NYC?

Live alone — that's up to the minor's parents or legal guardian. The only sure way the minor has is to become emancipated. This is a court ruling that grants them legal adult status. This in turn allows them to enter into contracts and to not require the permission of a parent/guardian.

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Is hookup legal in New York?

New York Penal Law §230.00 is the crime of Prostitution at its most basic level. A person is guilty of violating this statute when that person engages, agrees, or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee.

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Is New York two party consent?

New York is a one-party consent state, meaning the recording is legal as long as one of the parties involved in the communication consents to the recording.

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Is it illegal to text at a red light in New York?

New York State drivers are allowed to send text messages when stopped at a red light.

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What is the age of consent in Japan?

TOKYO -- Japan's parliament on Friday raised the age of sexual consent to 16 from 13, a limit which had remained unchanged for more than a century and was among the world's lowest, amid calls for greater protection of children and women. The revision was part of a revamping of laws related to sex crimes.

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What is the max dating age rule?

Dating Age Rule. The dating age rule to determining a socially acceptable age difference in partners goes something like this: half your age plus seven (40 = 20 +7 = 27) to define the minimum age of a partner and your age minus seven times two (40 = 33 * 2 = 60) to define the maximum age of a partner.

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Can a 17 year old be friends with a 23 year old?

With friendships, there are no age limits. A 17 year old can even be friends with a 70 year old without there being anything wrong with it. Friendships are about common interests not about age.

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